2024 is a special year for NALAS, as we mark 20 years of hard work, cooperation, successes and challenges in empowering local voices and driving regional progress.

On 27 May 2004, NALAS’ Statute was signed in the Council of Europe’s Hemicycle during the Plenary Session of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities, in Strasbourg, France.

The past 20 years have been committed to further the process of democratisation and decentralisation in South-East Europe in accordance with the European Charter of Local Self-Government. 

Today, NALAS is a unique local government network, living up to its mission to safeguard local autonomy, promote decentralisation and actively support the local public administration reform and development of strong local government in South-East Europe.

Through regional cooperation and NALAS’ Knowledge Centre, we are supporting Local Government Associations to grow and their beneficiaries to transform into sustainable, smart, inclusive, and resilient cities and municipalities, thereby contributing to democracy, stability, and prosperity in the region.

Throughout these past 20 years NALAS:

  • Influenced over 30,000 local elected officials and administration via our capacity development programmes.
  • Enhanced the capacities of local level in key emerging topics, such as: EU accession, localisation of SDGs, migration, green agenda, digital transformation, etc.
  • Supported modernisation of local public services in over 150 pilot municipalities.
  • Devised a unique Knowledge Centre for local government issues, including: 181 publications, 55 comparative studies, 30 regional policy positions, 15 tools, etc.
  • Institutionalised e-learning long before it became a necessity, now with 17 e-learning courses and over 1,350 certified local government practitioners.
  • Supported the work of the LGAs with over EUR 3 million in grants.
  • Contributed to national advocacy processes with over 300 regional comparative quick responses, technical assistance, and support to intergovernmental dialogue.  
  • Unified the voice of local governments in 2 economies.
  • Strengthened the position and role of local governments in EU accession. 
  • Implemented portfolio of projects in the value of over EUR 15 million.

All of this would not have been possible without the enthusiasm and strong belief of our leadership, the mayors-presidents and vice-presidents of NALAS, the directors and secretary generals of our member associations, their staff, NALAS Secretariat staff, as well as all partners and supporters. We thank you all and we promise that we go stronger, smarter, and more successful in the years to come.

We are marking this important anniversary throughout 2024, without fancy celebrations, but with hard work, expertise, commitment, and enthusiasm, with the contribution of all our members and partners. Cheers to the years to come!