This Report has been prepared by the members of the Task Force on Solid Waste and Water Management (TF SWWM) of the Network of Associations of Local Authorities of South East Europe (NALAS). It is the second issue and presents the progress in solid waste management of the countries in South East Europe (SEE) for 2015, comparing it to the baseline year of 2014.
The Report helps NALAS members – local government associations in the countries of SEE region to gain an independent perspective of how well the SWM is performed compared to other countries and municipalities. It clearly identifies specific areas of opportunity, prioritizes areas of improvement, sets performance expectations and monitors change at the level of SEE region. Ultimately, it is about managing solid waste in a socially, environmentally and financially responsible manner.
To download the full Report in English language
Benchmarking on Solid Waste Management in South-East Europe 2015
Report brief in English language
2015 SW Benchmarking Report Brief-English
Report briefs in local languages
Turkish language
2015 SW Benchmarking Report Brief-Turkish
Bosnian language
2015 SW Benchmarking Report Brief-BH
Serbian language
2015 SW Benchmarking Report Brief-Serbian
Romanian language