Do you work for or represent an association of local governments or an association of public utility companies? Do you wish to set up or further develop the training function of your Association? Do you aim to position your Training Centre at the top of the list of training providers in your country and beyond? If you answer is “Yes”, you are at the right place.
This Guide will give you an overview of the necessary steps that you need to perform to establish and run a Training Centre with a portfolio of high-quality capacity development services. The Guide will also share some of the experiences of the Regional Capacity Development Network for Water and Sanitation Services (RCDN). It will offer plenty of examples, models, tools that you can learn from and further adapt, customise and use.
Enjoy reading this Guide, pick up what you need, adjust it to your specific circumstances and implement it in practice.
We will be happy to witness your successes.
Download the Guide
Practical Guide-Establishing and Running a Training Centre