ICT Media initiate the organization of the 13th edition of the conference “E-Government – From The National E-Governance to Cross-Border E-Project”. The event is scheduled to be held on 08-09 March 2012.
The special priority setting on the creation and active work on building an effective e-government in all EU countries positions even more clearly the topic of e-governance and effective use of information technologies in the administrations with the sole goal to transform them into working, transparent and useful to citizens and businesses.
The setting of clear models for successful e-governance and the pursuit of undoubted and consistent steps for its achievement give a new impetus to this traditional conference, which meets best practices, ideas and innovations from all levels administrations from Bulgaria and Europe, from donor organizations, IT companies, consultants and experts in the field of e-government.
In 2012, the event focuses on current projects in the field of e-governance in the region, stretching parallels between the challenging and successful models for effective functioning of the administration at service of citizens and businesses and giving floor for discussion on the possibilities for cooperation and multiplication of successful practices in e-governance.
Representatives of central, local and regional administrations, European countries’ organizations and institutions, consultants and IT companies will share and discuss problems in the field of e-governance, provenly effective solutions and possibilities for future upgrade of the achievements.